Welcome to Devchuli Organic Agri Farm (DOAF), a pioneering initiative established in the summer of 2019 with the aim to inspire local communities to embrace organic farming practices. Our journey began with the realization that the health of our soil was rapidly declining due to the prevalent use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. The natural processes that enhance soil fertility were being overshadowed, posing a significant risk to the well-being of all living beings, including humans.

At DOAF, we firmly believe that it is our duty, both ethically and morally, to motivate people to switch their perception of agriculture towards a more sustainable and organic approach. We advocate for a profound understanding that agriculture can be practiced in harmony with nature, nurturing the environment and ensuring the well-being of future generations. By embracing organic farming methods, we can mitigate the risks posed by toxic chemicals and protect the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

Our primary objective is to improve soil health, recognizing its profound impact on human health and the environment. By nurturing the soil through organic means, we take a crucial step towards safeguarding our collective well-being and preserving the integrity of our surroundings. By working together, we can bring about remarkable changes and create a positive ripple effect in our communities.

At DOAF, we are committed to:

  • Cultivating a diverse range of organic produce, including lemons, dragon fruits, and various vegetables, ensuring that our customers have access to nutritious and chemical-free food.
  • Promoting sustainable agriculture practices through our learning center, offering educational programs that empower farmers, enthusiasts, and the wider community to adopt organic farming techniques.
  • Supporting the bee population through responsible beekeeping, enabling the production of organic honey while contributing to the vital process of pollination.
  • Supplying the local market with fresh and organic honey, vegetables, and fruits, guaranteeing our customers the highest quality and the peace of mind that comes with knowing their food is free from harmful chemicals.
  • Implementing soil health management strategies, such as organic fertilization and the use of cover crops, to restore and enhance the fertility and structure of our land.


DOAF is dedicated to creating a sustainable and holistic agricultural model that prioritizes the well-being of consumers, the environment, and future generations. We invite you to join us in our mission to improve soil health, enhance our health, and protect the environment. Together, we can make a profound and lasting impact.

Our Mission & Vision


A sustainable and secure food system that promotes the health of human beings and creatures, including the environment.


DOAF’s mission is to conduct and convene credible, evidence-based localized practices to promote organic and natural ways of production while taking care of the environment and the health of human beings.

We will achieve our mission through

  • Education on the results and research on sustainable organic food and farming to improve the health of humans and the environment.
  • Communicate credible, evidence-based practice to examine the health and environmental impacts of sustainable organic farming.
  • Communication of the learnings from the farm.
  • Different tools to improve the health of soil in order to promote organic farming.


  • To serve as a resource for the local public, policy makers and farmers supporting sustainable organic farming.
  • To engage and develop partnerships with Schools, universities, research institutions and organic farmers.
  • To sensitize and empower consumers to make choices that will improve their health, the health of the environment and the health of Soil through education and outreach.
  • To strengthen and expand organic practices to reduce the use of toxics, synthetic chemicals